

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Interior Design

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I have recently been thinking a lot about when I leave home and get another house or flat. I can sit for hours daydreaming about what it will look like and how I can decorate it. I have loads of different ideas and I couldn't fit them all inside one house, let alone one flat. They are all so different that they wouldn't go together at all. Sometimes I like rustic and vintage things, whereas some of the time I love simple modern things. I post most of my ideas to PINTEREST so go check it out of ya like. 

This gave me the idea of a career in interior design. I don't know much about this career or if you need to be good at certain subjects to do it (if you need art I'm stuffed as even my stickmen look deformed!). When I was younger, maybe 8/9 I always wanted to be an interior designer until I was about 11 when I decided I wanted to sit at a computer all day. I thought I wanted to do that until about a month ago when I did my work experience at a Graphics company which I absolutely hated (I only made tea and coffee). (If anyone knows an interior designer or anything about interior design please email me ).

Anyway, back to the point, I'd love to travel and design but is there a job that links both? I certainly don't know but I hope so. People also say "designers are planners with aesthetic taste" which basically means that designers are people that love to plan/organise while making things look nice. This is so me, I love planning and organising. Maybe that is what drew me to travelling, lots of planning goes involved and I love the sound of that but I also enjoy graphic design and layout design. This may even be classed as architecture, I don't know. I love designing houses in the Sims (so excited for Sims 4) so maybe that's the career path I should take? Ugh, thinking about careers just gets me confused so I just blab about stuff so I'll leave you with this quote by the one and only Steve Jobs:
"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works"


Monday 7 July 2014



I was just watching Youtubers (Zoella to be precise) and in her home hall, she mentioned . I had heard about this before, but I had never bothered to go on the site (because I'm lazy okay, deal with it). I just decided to look at the site as I loved all of the things in her home hall. I was looking at posters for my room as I love to decorate stuff and I think I just found my new favourite thing!

It's a map of the world, but all of the countries are covered in this gold foil thing. Once you have been to a country, you scratch the gold for that country off with a coin and it reveals a colour. If you visit every country, you get a multicoloured map of the world. I fell in love with this as soon as I saw it as I am desperate to travel. I can't travel now (as I'm too young and I have exams next year) but I thought this would be great for the future. I haven't bought it now (my parents won't let me and I have no more room on my walls) so I hope it stays there for a long time.

Anyway, what I was meant to be talking about was travelling. I absolutely hate planes (I'm petrified, I really need help with that if I want to travel) but I love just looking at the beauty of countries. Call me boring but I could travel to another country and do nothing for a day apart from look at the views. I do this in my bedroom a lot, on pinterest. Pinterest is my life, here is my pinterest  . You will probably notice I have loads of boards (and pins). I am a fangirl, but that isn't all. Yeh, I like Harry Potter (not him himself, gosh no, his retarded beard in Deathly Hallows though) and TFIOS but I also have a Logan Lerman board, yes he is a god and no you can't have him. 

I have four main favourite boards though, Food & Drink - who wouldn't put that, World Trip Destinations - as I want to travel, Dream Home - as I used to love to do interior designing and I think I may want that as a career but I'm not sure, and lastly Quotes. I have my quotes board because, although it may sound cheesy and stupid, they really inspire me. Without them I wouldn't have done most of the things I do. I don't usually talk to people I don't know that well as I'm quite shy, but because of a quote I made an effort which was a big thing for me. I also wouldn't have gone to Thorpe park with my friends which was amazing. I feel like I have been rambling for too long now so I'll leave you with the quote that made me go:
"I'd rather have a life of 'oh wells' than a life of 'what ifs'" 


Saturday 5 July 2014

I'm a dreamer

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I don't really know how to start this blog, I have writers block, I guess. Everyone says this happens with everyone and you should pick something that you are passionate about. I think I just find it harder than most people as I don't even like writing, why on earth am I even doing this?

I just need a hobby, something to think about and do in the summer when I will have nothing to do. I made a bucket list with my friends so we would actually do stuff this year, but I doubt if most of that will happen. There's always got to be complications when you want to do stuff with all of your friends, some are busy, some are away, some don't want to go out and some just aren't allowed. That's what I hate about being a teenager, not being able to do stuff.

I guess you are all thinking, great start, get into a rant before you even introduce the blog. Well, I'm sorry, once I start saying something I get sidetracked. Before I even know it I'm talking about something I have no interest in whatsoever.

Back to the point. I made this blog with the name 'Places for Grace' as (hopefully) it will be a blog of things that I like at the moment, and maybe things that I hate but it is mainly meant to be about places that I want to go to. I've always wanted to travel the world, see the sights, and I have big dreams that one day I might be able to.

Anyway, until then I guess I'll just keep on dreaming and as a wise man once said:
 "Never let it be said that to dream is a waste of one's time, for dreams are our realities in waiting. In dreams, we plant the seeds of our future."