

Monday 7 July 2014



I was just watching Youtubers (Zoella to be precise) and in her home hall, she mentioned . I had heard about this before, but I had never bothered to go on the site (because I'm lazy okay, deal with it). I just decided to look at the site as I loved all of the things in her home hall. I was looking at posters for my room as I love to decorate stuff and I think I just found my new favourite thing!

It's a map of the world, but all of the countries are covered in this gold foil thing. Once you have been to a country, you scratch the gold for that country off with a coin and it reveals a colour. If you visit every country, you get a multicoloured map of the world. I fell in love with this as soon as I saw it as I am desperate to travel. I can't travel now (as I'm too young and I have exams next year) but I thought this would be great for the future. I haven't bought it now (my parents won't let me and I have no more room on my walls) so I hope it stays there for a long time.

Anyway, what I was meant to be talking about was travelling. I absolutely hate planes (I'm petrified, I really need help with that if I want to travel) but I love just looking at the beauty of countries. Call me boring but I could travel to another country and do nothing for a day apart from look at the views. I do this in my bedroom a lot, on pinterest. Pinterest is my life, here is my pinterest  . You will probably notice I have loads of boards (and pins). I am a fangirl, but that isn't all. Yeh, I like Harry Potter (not him himself, gosh no, his retarded beard in Deathly Hallows though) and TFIOS but I also have a Logan Lerman board, yes he is a god and no you can't have him. 

I have four main favourite boards though, Food & Drink - who wouldn't put that, World Trip Destinations - as I want to travel, Dream Home - as I used to love to do interior designing and I think I may want that as a career but I'm not sure, and lastly Quotes. I have my quotes board because, although it may sound cheesy and stupid, they really inspire me. Without them I wouldn't have done most of the things I do. I don't usually talk to people I don't know that well as I'm quite shy, but because of a quote I made an effort which was a big thing for me. I also wouldn't have gone to Thorpe park with my friends which was amazing. I feel like I have been rambling for too long now so I'll leave you with the quote that made me go:
"I'd rather have a life of 'oh wells' than a life of 'what ifs'" 



  1. Loved the idea of the map. I think the best part will be seeing a multicolored map after you've been places. Where did you get the image from? Did you simply take it from google?
    Oh and I enjoyed the quote at the end.

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I got it from here:

  2. The map is beautiful!!! I found one on ebay for $12.69 and I am so excited to buy it! Thank you for the lovely idea. xx

    1. No problem, I'm glad you liked it. :) x

  3. I absolutely love the map, it's such a good idea! x
