

Thursday 21 August 2014

50 Great Blog Post Ideas


I've been having a lot of writers block recently and I know that most fellow bloggers get the same thing sometimes. I needed some inspiration and I've decided to help other people out to. So today's post is:

50 Blog Post Ideas

These are just some I thought of that I would like to read about, so I hope it helps you :)

1. Day trip/Holiday photos and description
2. Design idea
3. Review of something you have liked or are liking (e.g. book/film/beauty/item)
4. Monthly favourites
6. Technology
7. Advice about a topic (e.g. anxiety, camping, anything you know about)
8. Helpful tips (with a theme of something like storage)
9. A tag (15 facts you didn't know about me)
10. Music playlist
11. Decisions you have made recently
12. A recipe for something you enjoy making
13. What you want your future to be like
14. Best blogs/websites to look at
15. Comparisons (e.g. film and book)
16. Q & A post
17. Something you have learnt
18. Childhood story
19. Short autobiography of you life so far
20. Talk about a hobby you enjoy
21. Seasonal post (e.g. Christmas, Summer, Halloween)
22. Your inspiration for life
23. Why you got into blogging
24. Your favourite foods
25. A rant about something
26. Quotes and what you think they mean/what they mean you you
27. House/flat/room tour
28. What's in my bag
29. Essentials for something (e.g. travel)
30. Fashion (e.g. clothes/brands you have been loving)
31. About a charity
32. Describing events in your life
33. About a fandom you are in (e.g. Harry Potter, Hunger Games)
34. Restaurant review
35. Ask your readers questions
36. Show a project you have been working on
37. About your family/friends
38. Moving house description
39. Birthday/Christmas presents hall
40. Shopping hall
41. Dreams you have
42. Goals to achieve in the next few months
43. 30 Day challenge description/images
44. Show/explain a photo album
45. Encourage others
46. About your town and where to go
47. Thing you liked on Pinterest
48. Fiction story
49. Random facts list
50. And lastly, go and make a Vlog, enter the video blogging world and see where it takes you...

I hope that you found some of these helpful and inspiring but if you didn't, then maybe this quote will inspire you:
"Limitations live only in our minds.  But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless" Jamie Paolinetti

Grace x

Friday 15 August 2014

The Liebster Award


This post is a little bit different. The other day I was just minding my own business, reading my emails, when I came across an email from a fellow blogger to tell me I had one an award. At first I was quite confused, what had I won an award for? I couldn't think what I had done to deserve it. As I read further, I found that the award I had one was the Liebster Award.

For those of you that don't know, the Liebster Award is an award given to a blogger with less than 200 followers from a fellow blogger. It's a way of establishing relationships in the community and promoting blogs that you think deserve more credit than they have. As the person that nominated me, I ,as a newbie, take it as encouragement. Without it I probably still wouldn't have written a post yet. It shows you that at least someone reads and cares enough about what you have written to nominate you for this. The person that nominated me is the amazing KatrinaShe is an 18 year old blogger and you should definitely check her blog out. 

To keep the encouragement flowing, there are a few things you should do once nominated:

  • Link back to the person who nominated you. 
  • Answer their questions, all 11 of them!
  • Share facts about yourself.
  • Nominate up to 11 other bloggers with under 200 followers.
  • Get ready to know more about these incredible people. 11's the magic number. Come up with 11 questions for them.
Katrina's Questions:

1. What's your favourite book?
I have only just got into reading so my favourite book so far is The Fault in our Stars by John Green but it is bound to change at some point. I can imagine the characters so easily and although it's incredibly sad, it's so good that I put myself through the pain of reading it again. If you haven't read it already, you should definitely check it out or if you have, re-read it.
2. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging, only about a month ago because I had nothing to do. I never really told anyone how I was feeling about things and I thought I was time to change. By that I mean I did talk to my friends, but dreams and things I like never comes up in conversation. There isn't a problem with this but I just wanted to express myself in a different way to different people, which is probably why none of my actual friends know about this blog.
3. Favourite song?
My favourite song changes all the time but at the moment it is Great Escape by Mike Dignam. It's not the type of song that I usually listen to but I really liked it as its about escaping from troubles by travelling the world which is what I want to do.
4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
This is a hard question for me. In five years I will be 20 and that's quite scary. I don't know what job I want to do yet, all I know is I want to travel. I hope to have found myself and what I want to do and either be doing that, or be travelling the world on a gap year or doing a job whilst travelling. They are my dreams for the next five years and I hope I can achieve them.
5. Top 5 bloggers
Now my top five bloggers is quite hard, as I only do some blog reading but the blogs that I enjoy reading the most are:
6. If you were given $1000, how would you spend it?
This is hard too. I would probably treat myself to this beautiful TRXYE jumper first. I'd then use some to travel the world and help people. I'd give the rest to charity. The reason I'm not giving it all to charity is because for some people, it's not money they need, it's company. I want to help these people but the only way I could would be using money to travel.
7. Which place do you want to visit the most?
Ugh the questions are getting harder. I'd love to travel the world but if I had to pick one place it would be...errrmm...Italy. I'd love  to go to Rome and Florence. It just looks like one of the most beautiful places to visit. I also want to go to Orlando, Florida to Harry Potter World (I couldn't leave it out).
8. What's your motto?
The quote I live by, or try to live by, is "I'd rather have a life of 'oh wells' than 'what ifs' " which I have mentioned in a previous post.
9. Comfort food?
OREOS - they cheer me up any day. I have only just started eating them and they are just life.
10. What is one thing you can't live without?
My incredible rabbit, Champers. He is my best friend and I love spending time with him. He's almost 8 so he's getting quite old for a rabbit. I won't be able to cope when he goes, I'm tearing up even writing this.
11. Tell us 3 things you like about yourself or your blog. (it's okay, we won't think you're bragging)
This is probably the hardest question. I guess I like that my blog is an escape for me from the world. I like that I can write my dreams here without being embarrassed about it and I like that at least someone reads it.

Now that's over and done with, feel free to ask me any questions. Surprisingly I really enjoyed answering those.

I nominate:
1. What is the one thing that makes you smile the most?
2. Where is your favourite place to escape to?
3. Last food you ate?
4. Favourite film/TV show?
5. Worst habit?
6. Favourite thing to do?
7. Last thing you bought?
8. Your favourite blog post you have done (it's okay we know you're not bragging)?
9. Favourite shop?
10. The last embarrassing thing to happen to you?
11. The best thing that has ever happened to you? 

Answer them in a blog post and then comment here when you are done so I can read them :)
I can't wait to see the responses,

Grace x

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Do What Makes You Happy


It's been a while. I haven't written anything in a while and I don't really have any excuse. My first two posts are within a couple of days of each other and my third is only a few days after that. I thought that if I was going to blog, I would have to do it very often. I guess I just pressured myself into it too much. I kept thinking that I had to blog every couple of days but I realised blogging too often about stuff that I didn't care about would be boring, for you and for me, so I decided to leave it for a week, just let it be more natural and how I wanted it to be. Then a week turned into two weeks, into three and now it's been over a month. You can't blame me, I started watching Big Bang Theory and it kind of took over and Sheldon is so fabulous I just couldn't do anything else but watch it okay!

I guess that what I'm trying to say is don't pressure yourself into blogging. It doesn't make you any better, if anything it makes you worse at it. I forgot how to even write a new post for about ten minutes and I just stared at the screen ignoring the massive button next in front of me. Blogging should be natural,not something that you are forced to do, but something that you actually enjoy doing. I'm not saying that you shouldn't blog every couple of days, just don't force yourself to blog. You may have an exciting few days you want to blog about and then nothing for the next week. That's fine. When you post doesn't matter with blogs, it can fit to what you want. You can spread it out, or post in chunks. As long as it's good quality writing, nobody will mind.

If you don't enjoy doing something and you won't benefit from it, then just drop it out of your life. After all, you should "Take time to do what makes you happy". This is what I have decided to do with my life. For the past few weeks I have just sat on my laptop, watching other peoples adventures and wishing my life could be as adventurous as theirs. Sadly that will never happen, not unless I try. I realised that it's me who has to make the effort because if I don't, there's no way my life will change.

 I went out today to Southampton on a train with my mum to go shopping. I thought that I would much rather stay at home on my laptop, but I actually enjoyed myself. I thought to myself, What kind of life is sitting at home all day watching others lives, without living you own? I've organised thing like going camping with my friends and I joined the gym. Although I don't need to lose any weight, as I am "blessed" with a fast metabolism, I need to gain muscle. I have basically none and I find things much harder than others, such as lifting boxes or doing a lot of exercise (no stamina either). I'm not saying having a fast metabolism is the worst thing but it's much harder to gain weight than to lose it and I preferably want to gain a little bit. My arms look like "sticks" as there's hardly any muscle, especially around my elbows.

 Anyway, after that rambling, my message to you is:

"Never get so busy making a living, that you forget to make a life"

 Grace x